What we offer

Our business is about assisting small to medium enterprises (SME's) to grow and add value.
To achieve this we offer a two part package:
The basic Business Health Check, then development of the Strategic Plan.

Business Health Check

Our first level of support starts with a business health check which will give you enough information to start to develop your own Business Plan. Its a two-way connection.The Business Owner shares experiences, ideas, problems and Smart Outcomes offers past experiences to get a mix of thoughts which will advance the business. From there the Owner will draw up the Business Plan to set a direction for the growth of the enterprise.

Strategic Plan

Our second service takes a more hands-on role where Smart Outcomes will research new business opportunities, develop options best suited to your business and will work with you to write up the plans, action lists and KPI's. All under the title of a Strategic Plan.

Developing new business needs to be carefully researched, funded and implemented. Smart Outcomes will assist you to start up a business from scratch, introduce new products /services, or simply to expand existing business.  You know your business - we can offer advice and experience to help you join the dots of all the variables associated with business development.

Business Reviews best suit owners wishing to expand in a controlled fashion or for those simply wanting to get an idea on how they compare to others. These reviews are offered, through Smart Outcomes, as a consulting service. We will assess the health of your business via several techniques and work with you to prepare the best strategy to plan growth whilst building value to the business. The importance of "value" becomes clear when you start to think about your exit strategy (simply selling up or planning retirement).


You decide
After our initial discussion you will have enough information to decide which level of support you want to undertake. Either way, you can look forward to smart outcomes.